Thursday, November 11, 2010

Just a post about my groceries

 Thursday 11th November

OK, I have been thinking all week what to write about.  Waiting for some inspiration for this tired brain of mine.  However, I actually think I have been trying too hard to think about what to write about.  This must be a common trap that new bloggers must surely fall into.  What to write???   Well as I was putting away my groceries just now, I was indeed thinking very hard about what I had just spent.  About what the supermarkets charge us and how can I make my purchases go further?  So just quietly I thought I would tell you about what I just bought today and what I plan to do with it all.

Today has been very hot here.  I made several mistakes before stepping into the supermarket; (a) I was dehydrated because I hadn't drank enough through the day, so I was like organised chaos walking around with a trolley, and (b) I was trying not to spend too much money, which is really hard these days and quite a daunting task.

I managed to spend $158.38 on the following.  Now this is not the complete shop as have to get fruit and veg at the weekend.
2 x sugar 3kg  $9.38
2 x rubber gloves $3.78
2 x brown sugar $ 3.98
4 x budget butter $15.16
garlic $1.26
2 x breadmaker yeast $6.38
sunlight detergent 2lt $6.79
marmite $5.35
Pams highgrade flour $6.99
Hellers bacon $16.75
2 x Self raising flour 1.5kg $5.58
Nescafe coffee 12 sachets $5.99
Pineapple crushed $1.29
6lt spring water $5.45
Weetbix 1kg $3.95
2 x Peas 1kg $4.98
3lt milk $4.49
18 pk Toilet rolls $6.99
2 x Burger buns $3.98
Sparkling grape juice $2.69
Sliced almonds $1.95
Facial tissues $2.29
Bananas $3.60
Cous Cous $10.40
1kg edam cheese $9.95
Red Kidney Beans $5.47
Sausage Meat $3.45

Wow, what a list.  An interesting exercise for me as I write these down.  Nothing special in the shop, just pretty basic food, still cost lots.  What is this food destined for?

Tomorrow is our 16th wedding anniversary, so I am planning a cafe style brunch for the four of us.  Mmmmm homemade waffles with bacon, bananas and maple syrup.  That's what the bananas and over priced bacon will be for.  We will have nice coffee made with those ready made sachets thingeys.  I have a plunger and make my own coffee, but Alf likes those so will treat him. Grape juice for the children in special champagne flutes.  Georgia likes to make a fuss of the table setting when we do this on Christmas morning, so will let her go for it.

Red kidney beans for 2 new vegetarian dishes, trying for more meatless meals.
Christmas cakes are being made over the long weekend here, so extra butter and brown sugar for those.
Toasties for dinner, bun cut in half, covered by tomato sauce, herbs, grated cheese, pineapple and ham.
Georgia has taken some "inspiration" shots from around the yard for me...strawberries

Alex has given the lawn a "Mohawk" this morning, rhodo and happy hens

Bye for now, Lee-Anne

1 comment:

  1. Yep I have noticed food has gone up heaps.
    I'm planning meals & saying what can & can not be eaten from cupboards.

    Have a wonderful anniversary.

    Love Leanne



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