Sunday, November 7, 2010

rain, rain, go away come back another day

Friday 5th November

Today's blog is brought to you by the  letter C and the letter R..

A nasty southerly weather change bringing Cold, driving Rain, has descended upon us.  Our weather is fickle at the most part.  Spring days are changeable and unpredictable. However, I like spring.  Not as much as my most favourite season which is autumn.  The days are still cool enough to get lots of chores done through the day, without having to rise at 5.30am to beat the rising temperature.  That's fine with me, as a morning person I love the quiet house before the family rises and the noise begins.  Popping out to the garden to cut some edges, hoe in the veges and enjoy a coffee sitting in the morning spot.

Am quietly trying to photograph the rain, but is hard, so puddles will have to do

Today dark clouds from the south gathered.  I decided on not putting the washing out, so no last minute rush by the children and I to unpeg everything on the line.

Strawberry patch coming along, buxus I'm trying to save and cute violas

Guy Fawkes celebrations will be on hold until Saturday night.  Which means our children can go to sleep easier without the noise of every other house letting off their fireworks.  I remember as a child waiting for soooo long for darkness to come, then my Dad announcing from the back yard that we could light all our fireworks. Then, it was over in a very short space of time, minutes infact, we were then shuffled off to bed.  Those nights were mostly school nights, so no late nights for us girls.

As a family now we have chosen to pass on the whole firework ritual.  Firstly because they are expensive now.  I think back in the day, you got much more bite for your buck.  We can just as easily enjoy our neighbours ones for free.  And secondly, as Alex has Aspergers Syndrome, he gets over stimulated very easily and quickly.  We have enough history of good nights gone bad due to these factors to know it's best just to have a quiet night in as best we can.

The rain is an absolute blessing for the vegetable garden, and I can just hear all the plants now drinking flat out.  So an inside day for homeschooling and keeping warm by the fire.

Bye for now, Lee-Anne

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