Friday, February 25, 2011

Earthquake Day 4

Just touching base quickly today.

I know my sister, Nic, is reading my blog from Sydney in Australia.  Nic, here are shots of our old street in Avondale.  We used to live on the left hand side up by that lamppost with the neighbourhood watch sign on it. Below is a photo and a link to another photo.  Just imagine what it must be like around the corner in Cardrona and Pembroke Streets.

A photo showing the liquefaction in our old street where we lived for 6 years.



  1. That is quite a picture. Your comment struck in deeply. It is so hard to know how to help someone so far away. And I have not heard how they think this is going to affect you all. Could you tell more about that.

  2. Hi Jenn,

    50,000 workers have jobs inside the 4 avenues where most of the damage buildings are. Those people cannot even go back to work there in the forseeable future. Where will they put that many extra people and businesses? I just thank God every day that Alf works 40kms out of the city. There are so many consequences to this that it's hard to even comprehend at the moment.

    In the next weeks I will try to blog about living first hand the city and talking about the lives our citizens. What we are all so very worried about is another big one, how much constant stress can people actually stand. We didn't in a million years expect this. It truly makes the September quake look like a walk in the park.

    This afternoon, my mum is buying much needed groceries on our side of Christchurch for family across town. She and my cousin will then meet up in the city centre somewhere and do an exchange. You just do what you can really.


  3. It is going to have an effect for weeks, months - just watching on tv just seems unreal. I couldn't imagine living it & even coping in the aftershocks.
    Hope you get some sleep tonight


  4. Thanks for you thoughts. I feel like I say that all the time, but I honestly do mean it. I have just heard that around the corner at my cousin's home, they will need a loader to remove all the silt from their driveway to even get a car out. They are much closer to the Avon River, their house uninhabitable. The sad thing is, not only do the streets look like this, the homes are too damaged to live in.

  5. Lee-Anne your email address is set to no reply so I can't email you back a comment.

    I have been really wondering how you are. Do not know what to say. Been popping into your blog.
    We had a good shake last night - I didn't feel it but James did. How on earth are you guys coping through all the aftershocks..
    can I send anything down???
    Lots of love

  6. Leanne, I have been thinking about you all in Wellington overnight too. That 4.6 shake we had last night kept us all wired for quite some time. Am sleeping with a torch in my hand, just in case.
    I am planning to blog today. Don't know where to start, but will take it as it comes. Alf has returned to work, the bills still need to be paid. But our days are structured around coping and aftershocks. Very wary of any buildings at the moment.
    I have infact been busy helping with family effected directly and indirectly by the quake. We had a narrow miss with my cousin being caught in a falling shop in the city centre. But other than that, we don't at this stage know of any of our friends and family being killed.
    Get started quick smart with your emergency planning. I can't stress this enough. It seems bizarre for us here to be in an emergency and having to still think about what is still around the corner.
    I will touch on my past week hopefully today.
    Thanks for you kind kind thoughts.


    Check out this ladys blog - she has neat tutorials on bloging & quilting.

    Look forward to reading your daily life around the earthquakes.



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