Tuesday, February 22, 2011

The Last Week and Some Domestic Dramas

In Our Homeschool

Why is there an American flag in our homeschool?

We are working our way through Trail Guide To World Geography at the moment.  This week is a study of the North American Continent, so Alex has delved into his bedroom and retrieved his second most favourite flag ( what is his favourite? stayed tuned to find out) to inspire us in our work.  This curriculum has been quite successful for us so far and I'm enjoying teaching it as well.  I like the fact that I have printouts for Georgia, who is studying at intermediate level, and Alex who needs the high school printouts.  They can both work away at the same time at the appropriate level. Alex has some trickier questions to answer, so this is making him work harder. At times we  follow the format quite strictly, but we can choose to stop and study some facts in more detail if we want.  And of course, homeschooling allows us the freedom to do this, isn't it great?

We are planning on eating our way through the continents as we study them.  This week, Thursday night will be American Night.  I asked Georgia and Alex what they thought would be typical fare for America? They quickly announced hamburgers and hot dogs! Mmmm, will have to think on that some more.  Perhaps apple pie for dessert and another dish for a main.  Anybody got any ideas? American readers are most welcome to comment here.

In the Garden

After responding to frantic clucking from our girls the other morning, we discovered an injured baby hedgehog in the chicken run.  The chickens were in defensive mode and had attacked the hedgehog. By the time we got there, the poor little thing was crawling along with 2 very obvious broken back legs.  Very very upsetting for us animal lovers and there were tears (from Georgia).  This is the first time we have had to tackle our chickens acting viciously and attacking a predator. Sadly, something I suppose we need to get used to.

You can just see its little broken legs
 But look who we heard snuffing noisily around the yard the other night...

Mum & Dad Hedgehog, probably looking for baby hedgehog

Out and About

Alex has started going to rock climbing again.  Through Autism New Zealand, we have access to great outdoor education and amazing people who are understanding and passionate about what they do.  Alex's old Teacher Aide, Dan, is one such person.  Dan is a very special man to us, who has so much time for Alex.  Rock climbing is his thing, so Mondays we are back with the rock climbing group.  We are so blessed because for $8 Alex gets to climb for over an hour and Georgia can climb as well.  How cool is that!

 Alex being challenged by the climbing walls

Daily reminder of  our September earthquake, this is above shops in the inner city suburb of Sydenham


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