Tuesday, November 2, 2010

A case of mistaken identity

Monday 1st November

"Pinch and a punch for the first of the month"

Already November and a mere few months to the end of the year and Christmas.  Seems it was only the other day we were struggling  through winter and dark days, now we are almost in summer.

It seems that Miss Lettuce has turned into Mr Basil.  I knew things would be touch and go back when we were planting out the seeds and the trays were not labelled.  However, the basil looks to be doing really well.  What was obviously the lettuce therefore failed to even sprout.

Escapee in the bean garden, quickly whipped her out of there!

Dinner is cornish pasties and there is enough mince mixture leftover for a pie to freeze (or so I thought...)
mashed potato and coldslaw made with cabbage, red cabbage and carrot.
Plymouth Pie
(page 37, Destitute Gourmet - Everyday smart food for the family) If you want me to place recipe on here I shall do so.
Dinner served with lots of leftovers, which is unusual in our house.  My nephews arrive (20 and 16) for a catch up and have been offered no dinner at home (long story) so the said pie for the freezer does nicely with vegetables. My heart is happy providing for the boys, a wonderful catch night for everyone.

Springtime on the outskirts of the city, 2 mares and  their foals

Bye for now, Lee-Anne

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