Sunday, October 24, 2010

A room with a view

Saturday 23rd Octber 2010

A long weekend in New Zealand.  It is Labour weekwend and we also have the prosepect of 10 fines days on a row.  So into the garden we go, doing some more organising and construction. Alf has built my bean fence now that they are popping up out of the ground.  The potatoes are also shooting up now.

My well constructed bean fence, with Alf being an engineer this fence should withstand any big earthquake.

A room with a view....looking over part of the section from our upstairs bedroom window.  The fence and pickets are being completed this weekend, painted and nailed up. The garden by the chicken coop is under construction.  Compost is being added and the ground turned over. In the foreground is the garlic.  To the right is...

3 rows of poatoes, 3 rows beetroot & 2 or carrots.  Next on assembly line will be corn, which I will plant mid November.

1 metre by 1 metre compost bin and pumpkin patch in the corner.  Mental note to self to clean windows.

With christmas just around the corner , it is time to start making christmas cards.  This will be a nice Friday afternoon craft activity for us, so must head off the shop this week to get a new supply of card stock and stamp pads. 

This is my selection to choose from.  There are also boxes of stamps with pretty sayings and alphabet stamps.

I have also starting buying extra fruit mix and ingredients for making my Christmas cakes and baking.  The baking will start at Show Weekend in Canterbury here, which is the 12th of November.  This signals the start of the baking countdown for me that will last until Christmas day. I love baking for the holiday season, it kind of gives me an excuse to try out recipes for lovely nibbles, decadent chocolaty things and sumptuous cakes for morning and afternoon teas.  I love catering for visitors with home made baking. Will blog soon about what I will be making this year.

Love to you all, Lee-Anne

1 comment:

  1. Your garden looks fab - love the curved stepping stones. So you have a great guy too that builds you things. What beans are you planting????

    Love Leanne



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